Tuesday 16 June 2015

we all need motivation!!

"what is the one thing that you can change and have the control to change it?" she asked."my dad *giggling* I replied...... No what is it? asking again ..... well that is ME" I replied. Yes and that is the only thing you can change and have control to changing in the whole wide world". So no matter how you wish you can change people and people's perception about you, YOU CANNOT CHANGE THEM"

That is some difficult thing to accept. But the reality is, it is the truth and the more we can accept that the sooner our lives can be easier. I took a brave step I went and shared personal things with a lady in church, I just felt I wanted to talk and talk and she should just sit there and listen to me and say "yes go ahead".Don't you just wish sometimes that you had a robot friend who had no feelings, no opinion  and would just sit there and take in whatever you have to say or share hahahahahaha. She sure put some perspective into some of the things. I have to tell you I was not feeling like my own self but life waits for no one.

So in the midst of all of that I had a  Spiderman cake  order to make oh boy oh boy was it fun to make. I had help from my son and my helper and after the work was done appreciated them with McDonalds happy meals. My son commented and said my spiderman had big huge muscles *giggles* shouldn't they have big muscles? But we persevered and we were successful in making the cake. I also think I will consider letting my son bake and decorate a cake on his own, he's been asking me for a while, and I think I am just too territorial about my stuff. Maybe there is talent there after all. I will also start sharing recipes that you can try at home and who knows maybe you can make someone happy.

So here is the cake:

I am living my passion and making the most of my life #passisonrevamped !!!